lundi 5 octobre 2009

Sleepingfish 8 // Calamari Press

Moleskin WEAPON (version US traduction de Laure Motet & Monica Karski) à paraître dans le prochaîn numéro de la revue newyorkaise Sleepingfish dirigée par Derek White et Gary Lutz :

¢ Tentative line-up for Sleepingfish 8: Émilie Notéris, Dennis Cooper, Anna DeForest, Evelyn Hampton, Ryan Call, Cooper Renner, Alec Niedenthal, M.T. Fallon, Terese Svoboda, David Ohle, David McLendon, Amelia Gray, Stephen Gropp-Hess, Rachel May, Matt Bell, Julie Doxsee, Sasha Fletcher, Tim Jones-Yelvington, Brothers Goat, Stephen Hastings-King, Elliott Stevens, Blake Butler, Eugene Lim, Diane Williams, Lito Elio Porto, Adam Weinstein, Daniel Grandbois, Ali Aktan Askin & perhaps a few others forthcoming. Shaping up to be quite an issue.